
How to save on gas

Mar 7, 2022 | Blogs, Inflation

Five tips on how to save with gas prices on the rise


Gas prices are rising steadily. You are starting to feel the weight of these increases on your wallet and wondering what you could do to lessen the impact financially. Today we want to share ways on how you can on gas.


Stay local


Instead of long road trips consider what your community has to offer – visit the local parks, theatres, museums, restaurants, and other attractions. Not only do you save money on gas but the money you do spend benefits your local community. Savings – Invaluable. (Assuming that a vibrant local community increases your personal happiness.)


Travel together


Consider carpooling with your significant other or a colleague. Not only will you save money on gas, but you will also get some valuable time building or improving relationships. Carpooling every day could save you over $1,000 per year. (Assuming $4 per gallon, 1-gallon each way, 5-day work week, and splitting the cost of gas with one other party.)


Remote working


If you have the option to work from home, consider taking advantage of it. Even if it is only 1-2 days a week. A gallon of gas both ways, 2-days a week, 52-weeks a year – could save you more than $800. (Assuming gas stays at $4 per gallon.)




If you need to get someplace that is within a mile or two, consider walking. Every 5-minute drive you do not make is gas money saved, and think of how much better you will feel getting the fresh air, vitamin D, and exercise. Savings – Invaluable. (Assuming that walking outside is good for your health.)


Stay in


Instead of driving across town to go out to dinner, consider staying in and enjoying some home cooking. Not only will you save money on gas, but also on one less night out on the town. One less night out per week could save you more than $3,600 per year. (Assuming $4 per gallon and $65 per night out.)



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Travis Maus, AIFA®, CEPA, is the managing partner of S.E.E.D. Planning Group, LLC and co-host of Ditch the Suits Podcast. In addition, he is also a member of the firm’s Financial Planning Team and Investment Committee. Travis holds the Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst® (AIFA®) designation, which signifies his credentials for performing fiduciary assessments that measure how well investment fiduciaries fulfill their duties a defined standard of care. He also holds the Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) designation. As a CEPA designee, Travis has specialized training in business Master Planning, value growth strategies, and business succession planning.

S.E.E.D. Planning Group LLC (S.E.E.D.)is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) with the Securities Exchange Commission. S.E.E.D.’s team provides investment fiduciary and financial planning services to clients. Our fees are disclosed, easy to understand, and not predicated on product sales. 

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